Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A few things

Sorry I have not been on blogger in a while. I am going to post up some more photos soon and actually post up the recipe I talked about posting up. I wanted to thank everyone who commented. Yay for all the comments. Thanks to everyone who previously commented and to those who commented just a little while ago. You see, got two more comments just recently so, that is why I said what I said in my previous sentence; Just to let everyone I am thinking of setting my up my own Etsy shop. I will have to figure out how I can legally do that, since I am still young. You are technically allowed to have a shop or be a member of etsy as long as you parent watches what you say online or something like. Anyway, I will stop boring everyone. Again, I wanted to thank everyone for all the marvelous comments. I hop everyone has a wonderful rest of the day or night.


Home said...

Dear Sasha, Think Big when you are young is GREAT.You can be a famous business lady in the future.

Sasha said...

Thank you! I will think big.