Monday, January 18, 2010

Banners, My Mom's Cool Jewelry Website, the Rain, Photos, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Haiti (yes, many topics and a very long title)

     Hi everyone.  I was playing around on my computer, trying to create a good banner, but it did not really turn out that well.  I went online to try and figure out how to make one myself, but none of the blog template explanations made any sense.  Well, I should probably stop complaining now.  I am going to continue to try to make a better banner.  This means one that is free.  However, if I am still unable to make one that looks nice myself, I will just have to ask my mom to buy me one( or buy one with my allowance).  By the way, my mom  also has a website.  She sells jewelry on Etsy.  Etsy is a crafty all handmade website. You sell whatever you hand make, or if if you sell supplies, you would list items under supplies.  It is different from e-bay, because it is mostly handmade, however, e-bay is not. My mom's website name is  I hope the link will work.  (By saying/writing the link, I mean the link to her site.)

      So, today it is raining, and unless we get a rainbow which I hope we do, I probably will not be able to take pictures. However, I did take some pictures on my new camera a few days ago.  Once I upload them, I will put them up.  I have had so much homework lately, so I really did not have any time to put them up, unless I wanted to not not finish all my homework.  Since today is a national holiday(Yay for Martin Luther King Jr.!), I have time to put up some more pictures of the sky and also the floats we saw at the Rose Ball Parade Float.  We did not go to the Parade.  The floats are always left up for a few days after the parade, and so we saw them.  They are so beautiful and are amazingly intricate.  Oops if I already talked about the Rose Ball floats.  Anyway, this is completely off topic, but I  wonder as to why my grammar is seeming slightly weird today.  Maybe it is the rain, or maybe it is just me.  I do not know, but whatever it is, it is annoying me.  I just had to look over this post a little longer than how I normally have to look over my posts.  I am going to post another post about a few other completely different topics, such as one Haiti.  Whoever is there, I hope you will survive, and get the necessary help.  We donated money to Haiti.  More information about Haiti will be on my next post. I hope everyone, wherever you live has a great rest of the day or night.    

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Rose Ball Parade Floats, pictures (to be posted), 2010, and belated holiday wishes

I have not been blogging for a while because I wanted to do so, but then decided to play games.  Blogging is fun! Yay for the internet.  Sorry this post is late, just wanted to let everyone know a few things.  Also, I wanted to say hi.  I am going to let everyone know about my life for a minute.  Hopefully it is not boring.  Anyway, on Friday, January 1st (yay for the New Year/new year) my brother and his friend flew in to California to see my mom, dad, and me.  My brother and his friend are both way older than me, which makes sense since my brother, is technically my half brother.  He is twenty-two (my brother).  Both of them are nice and laugh about what I laugh about, which is cool.  Ugh, I am sounding completely boring. Sorry.  Did I just use the correct grammar?  Anyone know? Please leave a comment which says that you are a certified grammar teacher or someone who knows English well and that you can help with my grammar.  Grammar is spelled funny.  Well, it depends on the way you say it.
      Okay, I am getting way off topic.  I should be going back to my brother and his friend.  So, on January 2nd my brother, his friend, my dad and I went to the Rose Bowl Parade floats, which were spectacular.  All of them are of mostly (95%) natural material.  They use many types of beans, rice, and certainly also flowers.  In addition, they use seeds, fruit, and sometimes even bark.  These are only some of the products.  All of the floats we saw (we saw basically all of them) had a trophy.  Tomorrow I will post up the pictures of some of them.  My favorite floats were the ones with butterflies.  There was also this one float with a dragon that was incredible.  Everyone's jaw was dropping for it or yelling out it was so cool looking.  I stood in awe, because it really was amazing.  I will put up a picture of that tomorrow.  By the way, Happy very belated Christmas to anyone who celebrated it.  I hope that all the other holidays that everyone celebrates have been wonderful.   Happy 2010.  Although, I am Jewish and I am really supposed to go by the lunar calendar, I still want to wish everyone a happy 2010.  2010 is based on the solar calendar, along with all the other years that have been one of the 0--2009. Hope everyone has a good rest of the evening or day.