Saturday, December 18, 2010

Belated, belated Hanukkah to All Who Celebrate!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I have been so busy with homework that I haven't gotten a chance to write anything 'till now.  Well, technically if I wanted to I could have written something, but I tend to do homework interspersed with doing a lot of nothing, well not nothing but thinking and I don't know- reading.   I am kinda obsessed with little kids books.  Okay, enough about me and my life.  I just wanted to say that I am very sorry I didn't wish anyone else who is Jewish a Happy Hanukkah when it was Hanukkah.  I tend to be belated on the holidays it seems like, instead of on time.  It is that I want to say Happy Holidays or Happy certain holiday it is, but I do not always have time to due to homework or that I wish to but I can not because I am cleaning or something.  But I should have any big excuses, because they are really getting old.  Oops for starting a sentence with but.  Well that is all for now.  I hope everyone has a great rest of the day or night.

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